phpstorm 代码注释模块 类名注释格式 `File > Setting > Editor >File and Code Templates > PHP Class Doc Comment` ``` /** * Desc: [ ] * Author: [ shyn ] * Date: ${DATE} ${TIME} */ ``` phpstorm 代码注释模块 方法名注释格式 `File > Setting > Editor >File and Code Templates > PHP Function Doc Comment` ``` /** * Desc: [ ] * Author: [ shyn ] * Date: ${DATE} ${TIME} ${PARAM_DOC} #if (${TYPE_HINT} != "void") * @return ${TYPE_HINT} #end ${THROWS_DOC} */ ``` phpstorm 方法 链式[->]操作换行设置 `File > Setting > Editor > Code Style > PHP > Wrapping and Braces > Chained method calls ` ``` 将Do not wrap 改为 Wrap always ```